Welcome to the Crochet Collaborative!
¡Bienvenidos al Ganchillo Colaborativo!
In July 2006, our fearless leader Linda S. had this bright idea to get a group together to teach them to CROCHET [not to knit). By August, eight co-workers and friends had joined our adhoc "koffee klatch." We met weekly then, sometimes in between, to help one another build our skills. The price of admission? Make a baby blanket for ProjectLinus. On September 28, 2006, 11 blankets had been handmade by a member of the Crochet Collaborative and delivered to ProjectLinus. In April 2007, we delivered 14 hand-crocheted baby blankets to the
It's now a year later. We've grown into a diverse group of crocheters who have banded together to work collaboratively to learn new techniques, solve age-old thorny crochet problems (skipped or tight stitches, ever-widening rows, flubbed patterns, you name it), and give back to the community. New members have joined our ranks while others have moved away-- they've taken new jobs across the country or elsewhere in the world. A special word of thanks is due to Nicholas T., who said, when commenting about the charitable nature of our endeavors, that there was no way he was going to learn to crochet but he felt it was important to give. He donated monies to buy the yarn from which 36 baby blankets have been made. Lisa H., who will not crochet, has volunteered to drive the finished items to their destinations. To both of you, we say, "thank you, thank you, thank you."
So, who are we? We are more than co-workers, more than colleagues. We are a community of friends who share a passion for crochet.
I was one of the charter members of The Crochet Collaborative and enjoyed being able to teach the craft to several members who had never held a crochet hook or a knitting needle. It was quite a challenge but we were able to engage one member so completely that she is now actively crocheting constantly. She reminds me that in the beginning it was 'rip it out' and redo that chain until you get it right. My mother and aunt did the same thing to me. Now I am retired from the face-to-face gatherings but will join the group by conference call. The electronic age meets the old fashioned craft gatherings. Check out my web site at http://www.afghans4unow.net
LOL! Linda, I think I know very well the member of the collaborative crochet that is constantly crocheting! :o) I have to admit that that's the only addiction that I have. Once I start, I can't stop. And when I see the final product...WOW, WOW, WOW... is like magic! Thanks so much to you Linda and Victoria for teaching me how to make art master pieces! You both made me discover my hidden talents. Can't thank you enough!
It's always nice to have a shining star and that's what Mayra was. She took to crocheting like a 'duck to water' and has made some masterpieces of her own. Many of our group stuck around and made the baby afghan but decided they just didn't have the patience for the bigger projects plus they could not understand the more complicated pattern instructions. Mayra learned both!! An exceptional protege. If we can teach just one person the art form, then we know it will never die out. Next challenge is to learn to knit--not just the stockinette stitch BUT to really knit. I keep trying but always go back to crochet. Like Mayra says, it is an addiction.
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