About the Collaborative

The Crochet Collaborative was established in July 2006 to promote an interest and skill in and appreciation for crochet while serving the community. We've grown into a diverse group of crocheters who have banded together to work collaboratively to learn new techniques and solve age-old thorny crochet problems (skipped or tight stitches, ever-widening rows, flubbed patterns, you name it). The only requirement to becoming a member is a willingness to learn. We will teach you the basics -- in return you agree to make something for charity.

We've collaborated on several charity projects, including crocheting baby blankets for Project Linus, and small hats for Caps for the Capitol. We've also donated blankets to a local infants home. While we all have our ongoing personal projects to bring to meetings, we're always open to new special project suggestions.

So, who are we? We are more than co-workers, more than colleagues. We are a community of friends who share a passion for crochet. The Collaborative is totally unstructured, totally free, totally fun. If you crochet, are experienced or just learning, grab some yarn and join us. The Collaborative meets every other Tuesday for lunch to sit and chat while we work on favorite projects and share our passion for the art of crochet. Most members work in the Federal Triangle, Washington, D.C.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Well, we did get together on January 12th but we didn't get much crocheting done. We were busy trying to find yarn for a new project we have undertaken. One of our co-workers saw our work and asked if we could duplicate a baby's christening gown, blanket, booties, and cap that were made for his baby by his mother-in-law 29 years ago. Needless to say, there is no pattern. We asked him to bring the set in so we could see it--that helped us determine that the stitch was a simple 5 double crochet shell so ........ our analyst determined the stitch, we found a pattern to match which told us how to end and start rows, and we found the yarn. It was Lion Brand's White Baby Pompadour so we set about shopping for it because we wanted to match the yarns exactly. Oh, I forgot to mention the duplicate set is needed for a set of twins due in May. The mother wore the original outfit 29 years ago! We are excited and a bit anxious since we have never made caps or booties or a gown but we are ready with hooks in hand. We tested our stitches and determined two of us will use Boyle Size D and our 'uptight' crocheter will use Size E. This way the shells will be the same size even though crocheted by 3 of us. We are planning another gathering in February where we will actually put hook to yarn and get started. So far I have done 6 rows of the blanket but have not tackled the cap. I figured I'd start with what I know best and that is crocheting blankets. I am confident that we will be successful--we have already told the grandfather-to-be (our co-worker) that we are 'on point' and will deliver the 2nd set on or before May 2008. Here are picture of what we are duplicating. The lady who made these originals is the great grandmother of the twins. She made this set 29years ago for her grand-daughter, the mother of the twins. I'm sure she would be thrilled to know that we are following in her stitches. This is just another example of how our lives are woven together in ways we don't even see. We are all connected.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool blog! I hope to get back into the groove (stitch?) and contribute someday.